The CEC is carrying out our mission and vision through the following youth and environmental justice-centered programs.
Break the Cycle
Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities (Break the Cycle) is an annual collaborative interdisciplinary research and training program involving university students in academic tracks that focus on the impact of adverse social, economic and environmental factors on children’s health, development, and education.
College and Community Partnership Program (C2P2)
C2P2 works with colleges, universities, and other pro bono partners to support the self-identified needs of underserved communities, giving those communities a chance to compete for resources on an equal playing field.
Earth Tomorrow
Earth Tomorrow is the National Wildlife Federation’s environmental justice and leadership development program, creating opportunities for youth in frontline communities to deepen their understanding of environmental issues and provide solutions to address environmental injustices. The program cultivates a new generation of lifetime environmental stewards through a year-long cycle of leadership training, issues exploration, civic engagement, career development, community outreach and education, and student-led community action projects.

Recognized by the United Nations as a model sustainability program and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, Eco-Schools is an international program in 59,000 schools in 74 countries. Combining environment-based learning with hands-on experiences, the Eco-Schools program sparks action at the school and in the greater community. Utilizing a Seven Step Framework, pre-K through 12th grade students develop skills to prepare them for a green economy and workforce.

Global Children’s Environmental Health Partnership